Welcome to the Blog
I hope the posts and videos on this blog stimulate you to think differently about your health. I'm sharing from the perspective of my training as a homeopath and my experience practicing meditation and somatic healing for over twenty years.
There are hundreds of posts, some from as far back as 2012. I invite you to search for whatever interests you and contact me if you have questions about anything I've written.
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Somatic practices shift ideas to experience
The power of somatic or body-based practices, like meditation and inner listening, is that they transfer knowledge from your mind into real experiences in your body.
Are you In a Harmonious Two Way Relationship With Your Body?
If you don’t take care of your body, you’ll have nowhere to live. So what does taking care of your body mean?
Have you ever talked about economics and chakras in the same sentence?
We were working on an economics dilemma and everyone on the team was contributing his/her point of view.
The pain the feels like it will obliterate us, can free us
We all have our dark corners, our shadow side that can be hard to face and meet with full presence.
Become your own loving witness
Do you agree that to be healthy we need to deal with our emotions? We need to process our emotions so we don’t end up repressing what’s not dealt with.
Unearth suppressed emotions from your body
The idea of unearthing suppressed emotional material is controversial. On the one hand, if that repressed material is creating blocks to living your life and accessing healing, then we want to know what’s really going on.
Beyond talk-based therapy
I believe in the benefits of talk-based therapy and am so grateful for all the ways it helped me understand myself and become more conscious.
Eat food that nourishes and strengthens you
This is a photo of the black raspberries that grow near my house every year in late June. I love these berries more than any other fruit.
You are what you eat. Feel what your body needs
The foods you choose have a huge impact on your vitality. If you eat food that is processed, package or industrial, there isn’t much life/chi/prana in it.
If you child has a learning challenge, take time to explore why, in addition to remediating
If you child has a learning challenge, take some time to explore why. Look at the whole child. Learn at what’s happening in the household.
Chronic tension
When the stress load is too high, children can be in a chronic state of tension, which may not be apparent on the surface.
Look at learning challenges through a different lens
What if we looked at children with learning challenges through a holistic lens? Let’s broaden the focus from how the child processes information to how the child is doing in his/her life.
Day 1: 6 year old boy hits sister and get scolded...
You don't have to be sick to benefit from homeopathy, only human.
Help your kids ground and settle with breath work
When kids are hyper, wild or misbehaved in any way, it's almost always the case that their breath will be shallow.
Families form a matrix
Everyone in a family is continually sensing and adapting to the state of the other people in the household.
Emotional healing has no finite end point
Know what it feels like to resolve an emotional issue and then have it resurface? “Hey wait, I dealt with that. How can this be happening again?”
Regressions on the healing path are multi-faceted
Have you ever been frustrated with getting better and then slipping back again?
Your being has a threshold for avoidance, then your body will start screaming at you
You may have been living without a lot of space for inner processing for a long time but that doesn’t mean it’s working for you.