Have you ever talked about economics and chakras in the same sentence?


We were working on an economics dilemma and everyone on the team was contributing his/her point of view. The challenge was coming to a consensus. We kept analyzing the data and disagreeing about what should be done.

Then, as though in a dream, the team members loosened their buttons and started to move. Flowing movements morphed into deeper breaths and even some yoga poses. The group disintegrated and each person started moving in his/her own way.

After a while, many relaxed people came back to the issue at hand. Their vision was less angular and their perspective broadened. Many new ideas came forward.

The best management comes from a health balance of analysis and embodied knowing, more commonly called ‘gut sense’.

At nineteen, when I was studying economics, I truly believed that everything could be known through the mind. I would have turned my nose up at the mere mention of chakras or energy bodies. Well, life had different plans for me. Healing from chronic illness exposed me to a whole different world-view. It took many years for me to balance out the extreme over-mind focus with some being and breathing. Now, most of the time, I have a balance that works for me. Although I don’t talk about economics too often anymore, theoretically, I could switch from a discussion about interest rates in one moment to sensing someone’s third chakra in the next.

We can be thinkers and sensors. Are you?


Inner Listening is Not the Same as Meditating


When Does Sensing Need to Replace Thinking?