Are you In a Harmonious Two Way Relationship With Your Body?


If you don’t take care of your body, you’ll have nowhere to live.

So what does taking care of your body mean? Exercise, health food, fresh air and rest are the basics. How to you choose which of those things to do? Which exercise program to follow? Which food theory to subscribe to?

Social media is full of exercise and healthy eating plans. There are enough options that you could try a different plan every day of the year. Each one promises to make you your best self. So how do you know what to do to take care of your body? The truth is that only you know what your body needs because you can feel it – but can you?

That’s where things get trickier. The more time we spend listening to our bodies, feeling the subtle signs of how it responds to our choices, the clearer the message becomes. If you are like most people and have spent more time doing than listening, it can be overwhelming to sort out what’s best.

It doesn’t help matters when the mind plays tricks on us and doesn’t always work to support our best interests. If your health is twisted in many kinked directions and you can’t feel clearly what’s best for you, seek the support of a holistic health practitioner to guide us and reflect what’s working and what’s not.

I believe our role as practitioners, is to guide people back to their inherent body knowing. It’s in you to know what you need to be healthy. You might need some support remembering how to hear that message and respond.

If you want to talk about your particular circumstance, I offer free intro consults, click the Book Now button to schedule.


Your Body is Talking To You, Are you Listening?


Your Body is Not a Machine