Your Body is Talking To You, Are you Listening?


How much do you pay attention to the minutia of your daily health? How many of these questions could you answer about how your body functioned this week?

What colour is your tongue on waking? Any pattern to the colour?

What colour, shape and size is your stool? How many stools per day?

How is your sleep? Length, quality, depth, dreams, perspiration, teeth grinding?

How’s your natural thirst? How much water do you drink?

What foods are you craving? What foods aggravate you, what’s the aggravation?

How does the weather affect you? Which types of weather aggravate or ameliorate?

What time of day is your energy strongest? Lowest?

If you have any aches or pains, what makes them better verses worse?

If you don’t know these answers, don’t fret. Most people don’t bother noticing because they believe there’s not much to be done with the information. However, as a patient of homeopathy, these details are actionable and useful. The minute detail of how your body and mind are functioning, guides your homeopath in selecting the right remedy for you.

Once you have been a patient of homeopathy for a while, you will begin to see the correlation between these seemingly unrelated body details. There are usually subtle symptoms that precede large ones. If you can notice the subtle symptoms that precede a migraine, as example, you can take your remedy at the first sign that your body isn’t coping well, thereby reducing the severity or possibly even avoiding the development of a migraine.

The same type of intimate personalized care is possible for a broad range of conditions. Homeopathic medicine is not the same as herbal or vitamin support. It’s an entire system of energy medicine that stimulates your body to respond differently to the emotional and physical stressors that you face.

How much are you currently noticing your body’s functioning each day? What are you doing with that information?



Are you In a Harmonious Two Way Relationship With Your Body?