Eat food that nourishes and strengthens you


This is a photo of the black raspberries that grow near my house every year in late June. I love these berries more than any other fruit. Intellectually, I know they are rich in vitamin C and are a great anti-oxidant. Regardless of why, they just taste and feel so good!


Trust the foods that you are drawn to and stay away from foods you know your body doesn’t like. I feel so inspired after teaching my Embodied Food Choices workshop last night. Twelve people who had never muscle tested, learned in less than an hour. They were muscle testing all kinds of foods and getting so excited feeling what was a ‘yes’ verses a ‘no’. .

Some people had confirmation of foods that they suspected were aggravating. Other people had surprises both of foods they thought were good and others they were avoiding which seemed to test just fine.


Tune in, pay attention. You will be rewarded by how much better you feel.


Beyond talk-based therapy


You are what you eat. Feel what your body needs