Beyond talk-based therapy


I believe in the benefits of talk-based therapy and am so grateful for all the ways it helped me understand myself and become more conscious. I’m also aware that at a certain point, many people bump up against certain limits or frustrations in their therapy. The sentiment is that they have talked about their issues endlessly and there isn’t much more to be said that feels like it will make a difference. To give credit where it’s due, there are certainly talk-based therapists that can see clients through this struggle. .

For people looking for an alternative, I offer body-based emotional therapy. BCET uses guided meditation, breath work and a simple dialogue technique to create a safe container for people to feel what is held in the body. We focus is on the place of greatest sensation in any particular moment. By bringing awareness to the sensations in the body, emotions and even entire stories come to light. It’s a different experience than thinking about life and analyzing oneself. .

People are often surprised by what emerges. They may not have realized how much a small daily interaction had impacted them. They may not have seen the relationship between seemingly unrelated happenings.


Through BCET, connections are made, insight is gleaned and people settle into themselves and find a sense of peace, wherever they are in their journey.


Your body can talk to you, learn to listen.


Eat food that nourishes and strengthens you