Your body can talk to you, learn to listen.

We hold our life stress and unprocessed emotions in the tissues of our body. While you may not be in the habit of listening to your hurting back, it is possible that it can ‘talk to you’.

I don’t think I’ll ever forget the first time a body worker told me to ask my shoulder what it was holding. I looked at her like she was crazy. I had no idea how to hear the body talking. It just seemed like new-age madness. That was about 25 years ago. Now I listen-in frequently and help other people learn too.

If you have any kind of chronic ache in your body, it’s likely that you have some emotions or story tucked away in there. When you make space to feel it from a reflective space, you may be able to access something that’s blocking your healing. Journaling can be an excellent tool to get you started.


Unearth suppressed emotions from your body


Beyond talk-based therapy