Unearth suppressed emotions from your body

Unearth suppressed emotions from your body.png

The idea of unearthing suppressed emotional material is controversial. On the one hand, if that repressed material is creating blocks to living your life and accessing healing, then we want to know what’s really going on. On the other hand, we repress emotions that we aren’t equipped to process during difficult or traumatic events. For people with intense trauma, unearthing suppressed material can be destabilizing.


So how to we proceed? I can only speak for my approach in my practice. I believe that for most people, excluding survivors of extreme trauma, if we move gently, with the intention of being present to what is accessible through the breath and through presence, we are unlikely to encounter a level of emotional material that is too much. It might feel like too much in the moment, but that’s the purpose of therapy. The therapist creates a safe space and a container where you are able to ride through the waves of your emotions and land safely on the other side.


In BCET, you will learn specific skills that you can use in your daily life to continue holding yourself and doing your inner work. It’s about strengthening your container and becoming a loving witness for yourself.


Tools for conscious living are excellent preventative medicine


Your body can talk to you, learn to listen.