Regressions on the healing path are multi-faceted


Have you ever been frustrated with getting better and then slipping back again? Ever felt so hopeful that you were substantially better only to find yourself back in the pain or symptoms you thought were past?


There are many reasons why we regress along our healing path. The simplest reason is that healing isn’t linear. There are so many facets to healing which are all interconnected. We may have a few arrows pointing in the right direction but it takes time to get all of our ‘arrows’ on board.


One of the obstacles that isn’t often addressed is the role of the survivor self, who has to adapt to the healing. Imagine the thoughts and beliefs of someone who had to endure pain for a long time. He/she becomes acclimatized to that reality. When a change happens, the survivor self can be doubtful and fearful of the change.


Check back Wednesday, for a video that describes this inner dynamic in detail.

