
How comforting to know that there is a place within that I can take refuge. When I am really triggered or scared, I can't always access it immediately but I know it's there and I know that the repetition or mantra will bring me back to that place of comfort.


It's like have a special nook. I go to places like this waterfall (in Ancaster) to reconnect me to beauty and to help me slow down so I can access that soothing from within.


Learning to self-sooth is essential to well-being. It's rather overlooked. So many of us didn't learn it adequately in childhood which forces us to seek soothing externally from alcohol, cannabis, work, relationships.


Just start wherever you are. Even if you can't feel it, somewhere deep within, that special place of comfort awaits.


Emotional healing has no finite end point


Regressions on the healing path are multi-faceted