Look at learning challenges through a different lens


What if we looked at children with learning challenges through a holistic lens? Let’s broaden the focus from how the child processes information to how the child is doing in his/her life.


Learning requires integration of the left and right brain, which can be delayed in people who are stressed. So what constitutes stress for a child?


The answer is broad, many things in the adult world are more stressful to children than we may realize. Children need to feel safe to learn. They need to be relaxed in their bodies. .

If your child is struggling with learning, take a good look at the flow of life in your household and see if there are any choices you can make that will increase intimate connection time and decrease your child’s exposure to stress. Here are a few suggestions.


· Put your phone away and be with your child for longer stretches without interruption.

· Spend time, even 15-20 minutes a day, being with your child beyond the job of taking care of him/her. Take time to feel the child in his/her world. Children need to feel seen by their parents.

· Leave more space. Cancel some pre-planned activities. Children need unstructured time to just be and integrate.

· Encourage old-fashioned play. Imagination is excellent to support brain integration.

· Protect your child from the stressful adult talk. For many younger children, even hearing the news can create a lot of stress.

· SLOW DOWN. The adult world is way faster than is ideal for anyone, particularly children.

· Consider regular homeopathic care. Homeopathy optimizes how stress is metabolized.

I know there are many situations when remediation is essential; however, the knee-jerk reaction to remediate may create more stress and pressure for the child. Sometimes less is more.


Kids need to be at ease to learn

