

All week I have written about discipline and asked you please, not to spank your kids. That brings us to the primary question, how can we get our kids to listen?


Be fully present. .

Sound too simple?


It is simple and it works beautifully. Rather than call a child from across the room demanding this and that, go over and connect with your child. See what he/she is doing. From a connected place, then ask the child calmly to do what is needed.


Need more direction? Read, Hold on To Your Kids by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate. Watch the Vital Connection by Gordon Neufeld. Connect with a parenting group or reach out to me for one-on-one support.


There is no need to threaten children. Nobody thrives in tension and fear. There's a much gentler way that will make you enjoy your kids far more and reduce the conflict in your household exponentially.


Look at learning challenges through a different lens


Our children are our greatest teachers