Our children are our greatest teachers


Our children will teach us what we need to learn for our self-growth, if we listen. In every moment that the child doesn't listen, there is an opportunity for us to self-reflect.


Before my first child was born, 16 years ago, I was very focused on efficiency. I was that type-A yogi who was super-calm on my mat and I then ran like crazy the rest of the day. I was used to having a plan and sticking to it. .

Enter newborn baby. Ahhh. He didn't do anything according to my plan. The more I thought about what to do, the more he cried. The more I surrendered and found the patience to be fully present with him, the more he relaxed. It quickly became obvious that my baby was going to teach me patience. He was going to require that I be present and whenever I strayed, he would scream and howl until I got the message. .

That example is rather concrete and obvious but every since, I'm amazed at what I can learn by just observing where there is tension with my children. Sometimes I am being controlling and I'm not talking to them with trust and respect. I may not be conscious of it in the moment, but it's apparent by how they respond, or don't.


Everyone has different things to learn. I am certain the your children are the perfect kids for you and if you pay attention to the subtlety of what they need, they will be guided to becoming your best self.


