
When we come together to meditate, chant and open our hearts, it creates a real bond. There are people who come regularly to my kirtans that I don't really know in regular life but I feel so connected to them. We aren't necessarily friends in the typical sense but I feel closer to some of those people than aquintances I have had for years. .

There's a vulnerability that happens when we sing together soulfully and allow ourselves to be see. It's that real meeting that I enjoy at our gatherings.


Last Saturday, I had the blessings of reconnecting with some people that had been away from our kirtan community for a while. I was so grateful to reconnect.


If you have come regularly to any of my events, know that I am thinking about you when you are not with us. I hope that you are meditating and I look forward to practicing together again soon.


Our children are our greatest teachers


Children need love to thrive not fear. Please don't spank your kids