Chronic tension

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When the stress load is too high, children can be in a chronic state of tension, which may not be apparent on the surface.


Children need slow, gentle nurturing to relieve the stress that they are exposed to both at school and at home. Without that support, they can accumulate physical tension, which hinders their learning and/or comes out as behavioural issues.


Kids are so adaptable that people tend to discount the possibility that their learning challenges or behavioural issues relate to stress.


Slow down. Reduce screen time. Increase fresh air, exercise and imaginative play. Leave space in your week that isn't structured and planned. Teach your child to take deep breaths.


You can tell a lot about the tension a child is holding by the way he/she breathes. Chronic shallow breathing is a sign of too much stress. Younger children can go right on your lap for breathing breaks, which are great for the adult and the child.


You might be amazed how hard it is for your child to take five deep breathes and exhale slowly and fully. Make it into a game. Make funny sounds. Tell your child, "We can't let your breath stay trapped in your body, let's let it out." Laugh, play and ground both yourself and your child.


We are often looking for big solutions. Taking the time to be present, land and feel goes a long way to helping many challenges unwind.


If you child has a learning challenge, take time to explore why, in addition to remediating
