If you child has a learning challenge, take time to explore why, in addition to remediating


If you child has a learning challenge, take some time to explore why. Look at the whole child. Learn at what’s happening in the household. Look at the stress level of the parents. Look at the social dynamics between siblings and classmates. Look at the relationship with the teachers and caregivers. As you look at all of these relationships, consider where the child may be holding stress.


Chronic stress is hard to identify. We become acclimated to it and to see the child in that environment, so much so, that we may not identify an issue until something happens, like trouble learning.


In some many cases, learning challenges are affected by how the child is metabolizing stress. How safe and at ease does that child feel? Is there harsh discipline at home or at school that might make the child afraid of being wrong? What else might be making the child afraid?


As a homeopath, I am trained to follow the thread of disparate symptoms and weave together an understanding of what’s really going on. Why are these symptoms presenting? How can we support the family and the child so that learning happens with greater ease?


So if you find yourself with a child with any kind of learning challenge, broaden your search for support beyond tutoring. The tutoring may be much more effective with some therapy and/or homeopathic support.


Play is a powerful healer


Chronic tension