Play is a powerful healer


Imaginative, unstructured play brings children into the moment and grounds them in their bodies. I'm talking about old school toys without beeping sounds, lights or technology; blocks, lego, dolls, sticks, molding clay, pillow and blankets for forts, pots and pans for play kitchen.


Children can release a lot of stress they are exposed to through their play. Children are naturally full of imagination and wonder. They live in an altered reality, outside time and space as we know it. The wonderful things about children is they want to share their world with us. They are welcoming to anyone who is genuinely curious, non-directive and present.


By giving a child space and encouraging open-ended old school play, we help a child integrate. We help a child make connections between his/her left and right brain and we encourage easy learning.


You are what you eat. Feel what your body needs


If you child has a learning challenge, take time to explore why, in addition to remediating