Become your own loving witness


Do you agree that to be healthy we need to deal with our emotions? We need to process our emotions so we don’t end up repressing what’s not dealt with. On the surface that seems easy enough. Nobody intends to clog up his/her system with repressed emotions. . 

In reality, it can be more challenging than it seems. Life is fast and full. If we just keep carrying on doing things all day long until we crash in front of netflix, when is there time to check-in and see how we are really doing? .

The check-in I’m talking about invites a deeper exploration of the surface story of our day. When there is any tension or conflict, it’s pretty easy to dismiss it with some kind of mind story or another. It’s harder to take a deeper look and see our contribution to the tension. . 

Seeing our part in the drama invites a look at our wounded selves. Nobody really wants to do that. It isn’t fun but it’s essential for conscious living and vibrant health. When we can learn to see ourselves in our woundedness (we all have it) and meet that part with love instead of judgement, many more things become possible. . 

Ongoing tensions and conflicts start to shift. More of our energy is available to maintain our good health and then move our personal passions into work in the world. . 

You can do it. BCET and homeopathy can help make it easier. . .


Micro-Moments Can Be Profound


Listen to your body when it whispers...