Micro-Moments Can Be Profound

When we make the space to stop and feel into ourselves, we can connect with an array of subtle sensations. Sometimes the sensations are just transient movements of energy and other times they can lead us to some notable ‘ah ha’ moments.

Your body with all of its sensations, the pleasant and unpleasant ones, is like a roadmap. Follow the trail of the sensations. Breathe and inquire. You may be quite surprised where it takes you.

One word of caution, the mind is tricky and loves to make up tall tales. It takes some experience and skill to determine what’s a true intuition verses a mind-story. .
One of the benefits of BCET is the container that is held for you while you look within. Having a witness who mirrors back what you observe can help refine your understanding of what’s true.

Curious? Sessions are available in person in Dundas, Ontario or by skype. I was hesitant about skype at first but have had some good success with it. When there is a connection, it holds over the computer quite well.


Embody Your Truth


Become your own loving witness