Embody Your Truth

So much of what seems wrong in our lives is actually a deflection of what's really wrong. Our psyche is organized to protect us from our deep pain. As a result, we project a story onto the people in our daily lives so we don't have to see ourselves.

"I can't believe she said that, how insensitive! I'm not sure I can work with her!" Is that true? How can we be sure?

We perceive all of our relational dynamics through the lens of our survival mechanisms. The way we coped with our struggles, whatever they may have been, colours our perception of reality. Our thoughts, feelings and reactions seem real and true but if we seek deeper, a different story emerges.

How do you embody your truth and get clear on what's your woundedness reacting verses someone else's?


Tune In. Breathe. Witness. Allow.


Micro-Moments Can Be Profound