Tune In. Breathe. Witness. Allow.

Tune in. Breathe. Witness. Allow. .
Sound like meditation? There are definitely some similarities between meditation and BCET.
BCET uses guided meditation to invite you into a space of inner listening. When we meditate on our own, it's easy to get distracted or stop practicing. With a therapist sitting across from you, holding space for you, it's much easier to stay with the sensations that arise.
During a BCET session, you will learn specific skills that you can practice in your home meditations. Since most of us didn't learn as children, we need to learn as adults how to stay present and navigate challenging emotions and sensations that arise.
I've been a student of embodied healing techniques for over twenty years and am amazed by how the process continues to deepen and evolve.
I know many of you are meditators, yoga students/teachers and consciousness seekers. Want to share something about acquiring the skills you need to walk your walk and do your inner work?


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