Listen to your body when it whispers...


Your body is always talking to you. It’s telling you your food choices aren’t quite right when you have gas or bloating. When you are exhausted or can’t focus, you body is telling you that something about the way you’re living isn’t in balance.


People tend to think of the body as a machine, separate from their personal life choices. If something ails, the tendency is to go seek a reason. What’s wrong with the body?


The first place to look is in your own life. For example, consider what might be out of balance in your relationship dynamics? Are you saying yes when you ought to be saying no? Have you taken on more than is reasonable? Are you stretched too thin? Are you feeling stuck or disempowered? There are so many possibilities and each one can affect your mind/body health.


Are you eating nourishing food? Are you taking time to sit and eat your meals so that you can absorb your nutrients?


Are you exercising? Getting fresh air? Spending any time in nature? Carving out time for you, even if it is just a few minutes? Getting enough sleep? Taking time to unplug and unwind before bed?


Listen to your inner voice. Are you being kind to yourself or are you berating yourself for every small step you do wrong?


All these details of living have a massive impact on your health. Pay attention!


Become your own loving witness


Tools for conscious living are excellent preventative medicine