Welcome to the Blog
I hope the posts and videos on this blog stimulate you to think differently about your health. I'm sharing from the perspective of my training as a homeopath and my experience practicing meditation and somatic healing for over twenty years.
There are hundreds of posts, some from as far back as 2012. I invite you to search for whatever interests you and contact me if you have questions about anything I've written.
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The Pace of Your Healing is Unique to You. Don’t Judge by Comparison.
Comparing yourself to your perception of how another person is doing is unhealthy in all aspects of life but it’s particularly destructive in healing.
Make Peace With The Fact That Healing Isn’t Linear
Have you ever felt it’s unfair when you regress in your healing?
Inner Listening is Not the Same as Meditating
I’d like to draw a distinction between meditating and inner listening. Most meditation practises aim to still the mind.
Have you ever talked about economics and chakras in the same sentence?
We were working on an economics dilemma and everyone on the team was contributing his/her point of view.
Question Your Mind. Use Presence to Inquire Within
Our minds tell us so many things that aren’t true. In the process, we react emotionally, which affects our relationships.
Only Give What You Have To Give
All week I’ve been writing about giving and encouraging you to be realistic about your own capacity.
Be Aware of How Much Debt
I find it so perplexing that people take on so much debt to celebrate the holiday season. The debt is multi-layered, it’s financial and emotional.
Our ideals and values about giving may not align
The holiday season is all about giving but do you ever stop to consider your true capacity before choosing how much to give?
The pain the feels like it will obliterate us, can free us
We all have our dark corners, our shadow side that can be hard to face and meet with full presence.
In the throws of intense emotional pain
Do you know that the natural course of intense emotions is to rise up like waves, peak and then subside?
It's hard to let go of great ideas and simply not do some of things that I know would help my business, my music or my family.
Pain Makes Us Contract Contraction Increases Pain
One of the most challenging aspects of healing chronic pain is the cyclical nature of it. Chronic pain syndromes of all kinds become a chicken and egg scenario.
Meditation makes us calmer, gives us perspective, relaxes our nervous system, improves our sleep, lowers our blood pressure.... so why don’t we commit and do it every day?
Become your own loving witness
Do you agree that to be healthy we need to deal with our emotions? We need to process our emotions so we don’t end up repressing what’s not dealt with.
Unearth suppressed emotions from your body
The idea of unearthing suppressed emotional material is controversial. On the one hand, if that repressed material is creating blocks to living your life and accessing healing, then we want to know what’s really going on.
Beyond talk-based therapy
I believe in the benefits of talk-based therapy and am so grateful for all the ways it helped me understand myself and become more conscious.