Make Peace With The Fact That Healing Isn’t Linear


Have you ever felt it’s unfair when you regress in your healing? Ever felt frustrated when everything seemed to be going so well and then without explanation you regressed, again?

I have had those frustrations in my healing and it takes a lot of work to keep my mindset positive. Even though I know intellectually that healing isn’t linear, nobody likes it when he/she has a setback. It the most simple language – “It just sucks!”

With a broader professional perspective, I see that as much as we wish it were otherwise, healing is just not linear. Healing from anything that’s chronic doesn’t go in a forward-only direction.

Let’s talk about why.

Deep healing requires reprogramming and relearning new ways of being, emotionally and physically. Emotionally, our survival-self is defensive and stubborn. After all, he/she got us through our challenges the best way he/she knew how and therefore believes that our survival is at risk if we let go of these old ways. So while we may be able to learn to relax and approach our lives differently, it takes time to convince all parts or ourselves to buy into the new program. On the physical level, the cells aren’t used to getting what they need and it takes time for them to ‘trust’ that this new situation is here to stay. Flopping back and forth is normal and expected.

Regressions often hold messages that we are not hearing. It’s common that we change our ways long enough to feel better but our old ways slide back in, often without us even realizing it. There have been many times when I would have sworn that I wasn’t overdoing things, but my symptoms told another story. Who would you believe?

The body doesn’t lie. Be compassionate and patient when you regress. Love yourself through it. Affirm that you are getting well. Believe in your wholeness. When you keep your faith in your healing, you will be guided to the next steps that are right for you, even if they are a bit forward and backward.


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