Meditation makes us calmer, gives us perspective, relaxes our nervous system, improves our sleep, lowers our blood pressure.... so why don’t we commit and do it every day?
It’s not fun, it’s too hard, I can’t find the time, great idea add it to the list of healthy things I wish I was doing. I’d love to know your answer.
For me, there was a tipping point many years ago, I can’t even remember exactly when it happened, maybe it was gradual. At a certain point, it became clear that the effort of living without daily meditation was way harder than dealing with my inner obstacles. Once that reality become clear, I decided to commit. .
I started with a three-minute daily meditation commitment because I had gone through too may phases of sitting for 30 minutes and then falling off the bandwagon. I told myself, “Really, you can’t tell me that you don’t have three minutes!” So the base commitment was for three minutes and anything beyond was bonus.
Three minutes grew to seven then eleven then twenty. Start small. Baby steps can go a long way..


People tend to minimize the impact of everyday trauma.

