
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve been busier than is good for me and my body started 
complaining. Doing too much is an easy problem to fall into. Practically everyone around has it. 
Most of my patients and many of my friends are struggling to maintain balance.

In some cases, the overdoing comes from wanting to squeeze in a lot of self-care on top of the 
work and family needs. It isn’t so easy to exercise, cook fresh food, meditate and attend to all of life’s errands while working and caring for children or aging parents.

So what can we do? Pacing, choosing and pausing seem like good options.

Pacing – Ask yourself whether the timeline you have set is realistic? Could things be spaced out, and happen bi-weekly as an example, instead of weekly? With pacing you tell yourself, “You can do that but not every week”.

Choosing – We want it all, now. We can have it all, but not all at the same time. So if we add 
three things to our schedule, some other things need to come out or get spaced out. If we keep adding without removing, our system can easily get overloaded.

Pausing – Sometimes we simply need to take a few days and stop. Be creative about what you 
can actually stop doing to make more space for being. Being infuses the system with much 
renewed energy and strength.

Finding this balance seems like a lifelong learning for me. Whenever I rest and feel stronger, I get excited and filled with creative energy that I tend to overfill my plate. So for the next week or so, I’m going to pause the production of new health content.

Wishing you balance with ease in everything that you are doing. .



Trauma makes it impossible to be present.