
It's hard to let go of great ideas and simply not do some of things that I know would help my business, my music or my family. I'm talking about solid ideas, not crazy one, things that I know would be good. But - even good things aren't good when there are too many of them. The best ideas of things to cook, things to write, songs to record, or research to do cease to be good past a certain point of density.

Left unchecked, my mind would run me in endless circles. Enter meditation, without it I'm a slave to a master that is on overdrive. With it, I get a pause. I get to see that while many of my ideas are wonderful, I need to make choices everyday so that I leave space to just be.

Know what I mean?

#meditatedaily#bepresent#question#selfreflection #selfinquiry#slowdown


How To Bear the Pain Without Contracting


Pain Makes Us Contract Contraction Increases Pain