Are you normalizing chronic body aches? The jaw is supposed to hang, amazing

April 2nd normalizing chronic body aches.png

So what if you neck has been hurting for a couple of weeks? You changed your pillow, did some stretches and reduced your texting. If your neck is still sore, what do you do?

You might go to your family doctor to make sure nothing serious is wrong. You might go to the chiropractor or massage therapist. You might also just take a painkiller and hope it resolves itself.

Let’s imagine that you opted for the painkiller solution. You try some Advil and use some anti-inflammatories and it seems to be better so you move on.

Maybe you do and maybe you don’t move on quite as much it seems. Some transient aches are actually transient and some build into layers of adaptation that become harder to unwind over time.

Some people are sensitive in their musculoskeletal system whereas other people hold stress and tension in their digestive organs or their cardiovascular system. Some people get stress headaches, others get insomnia.

Each person is unique in terms of how he/she manages, processes and digests stress. The key question we ought to be asking is, “Is my body coming back to balance? Am I calibrating to the demands of my life or do I need more support?”

I had a huge aha moment on a bodywork table not long ago. My jaw was released in a new way and I was shocked by how the lower jaw just hang, completely free of tension. It sounds so simple but in many previous sessions I never experienced that type of change.

The right support can bring so much perspective. When symptoms resolve that we’ve been carrying for a while, it’s easy to wonder, “Why did I wait to so long to get this help?”

Where do you fit in the spectrum of ‘grin and bear it, anesthetise and carry one, slow down and practice self-care, seek support?


Video: Are you normalizing aches and pains?


Homeopathic Remedies remind the body/mind If some part of your mind/body has lots its way, how will you navigate back home?