Video: Are you normalizing aches and pains?

When an ache sticks around for a while, it’s easy to get used to it and forget what life was like without it.  It’s easier to resolve simple imbalances if you treat them promptly. Sometimes the body can calibrate back to balance but often we develop layers of adaptation and tension that become more difficult to unwind the longer we leave them.

So go see your favourite bodyworker, mine is osteopathy. You might not think of homeopathy for body aches but the right remedy can be miraculous. I find that homeopathy can help release mental and emotional stress that ends up feeding the aches and pains. When that tension is released, the aches resolve much more easily.


When good physical therapies don’t resolve body pain, it’s often a sign that there’s an emotional component that needs healing


Are you normalizing chronic body aches? The jaw is supposed to hang, amazing