Homeopathic Remedies remind the body/mind If some part of your mind/body has lots its way, how will you navigate back home?


When the body gets too far off track, it can ‘forget’ how to come back to balance. All the coping mechanisms create a new normal, one that doesn’t feel good but is your body/mind’s best attempt to cope.


In this new normal, if you have symptoms that you don’t want to live with, something is needed to heal. You can suppress your symptoms to get some relief but that won’t bring you any close to balance. You might feel better temporarily but then the imbalance morphs and comes out as a different symptom, which you will likely think is unrelated.


So imagine a homeopathic remedy is like a map for the body/mind reminding it where to turn on it’s way back to balance. For this remedy to work optimally, it needs to be prescribed just for you because no two people break down in exactly the same way. No two people will travel exactly the same healing path.


As a homeopath, I follow each patient’s journey, prescribing a remedy that will support him/her at each stage in the process. Healing from chronic pain or disease or even just imbalance, happens step-by-step. For the changes to move deeply into your being and for the change to be lasting, you need time to integrate and adapt to the new normal, the healthier one.


Sometimes we get breakthroughs and health is restored quickly but more often it is a gradual unwinding of the imbalance and a return to vibrant health.


Want to learn more about the process and how it might work for you? Use the Book Now button on my profile to book at intro call.


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