Anxiety self-care check-list


If you are trying to take good care of yourself but your anxiety forges on, it may be time to consider more support. First, go through this check-list and see how many of these things you are doing.

Have you committed to a daily breathing and meditation practice?

For people with trauma, being relaxed is learned. If you have had some hard knocks in your life, which most people with anxiety have, you need to create new pathways in your brain which means practicing relaxing every day.

Are you getting regular cardio exercise?

You don’t need a gym or a babysitter to get enough exercise. Push your stroller, chase your kids or take yourself out and just walk. Regular exercise gives you a way to discharge your excess nervous energy.

Are you eating a whole foods diet with lots of dark greens?

We are what we eat. The vibration of your food has a huge impact on how you feel and on your anxiety. It doesn’t need to be gourmet. Make it simple but eat pure, non-processed living foods.

Are you taking supplements?

You may need supplements prescribed to you personally but probiotics, magnesium and a b-complex is a good start for anxiety support.

Are you journaling?

Writing about your feelings is another way to discharge excess energy. Try writing a pep talk when you feel grounded and strong that you can read when your anxiety goes up.

Are you spending time alone in nature?

Nature is the most potent way to get grounded. Walk in a park or if you have access, wander in the woods. Put your bare feet on the ground when you can and listen inside.

If you are doing most of these things and still struggling with anxiety, consider more support.

I offer body-based emotional therapy that can bring to light the issues that fuel your anxiety while simultaneously providing grounding.

Homeopathic remedies offer a powerful alternative to pharma. To explore whether homeopathy is right for you, schedule a 20-minutes intro call using the book now button in my profile.

What’s on your anxiety self-care list?


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