What Do You Reach for When You're Falling Apart?

March 22 - What do you reach t.png

Bad day and difficult times happen to the best of us, even those of us who aren’t chronically ill. The magnitude of those bad days and the degree to which our life is affected depends on our level of health and resilience.

Regardless of whether your bad days keep you in bed or just slow you down, I wonder, what do you take for support?

Maybe you take painkillers, have a glass of wine or use CBD oil? Those substances might give temporary relief but they won’t help you heal.

Do you every have any of these symptoms?

Free floating anxiety

Feeling overwhelmed by everything

Intense self-doubt or self-judgment

Feeling isolated or lonely

Feeling fearful and not trusting people around you

Intense pains without any obvious physical trigger

Trouble sleeping and bad dreams

Worrying people are blaming you or finding fault

Any of the symptoms on this list can tie you in knots and seriously drain your energy. People tend ask why they have these problems. “What’s wrong with me?”

It’s always good to get screened for anything particularly sinister but as a homeopath, the label of what’s wrong with you isn’t the biggest input in treating you.

I’m looking for a remedy that matches your particular experience of feeling isolated or lonely which may be very different than the patient I saw before you. I consider your bad dreams as part of a matrix of symptoms along with your aching back and constipated digestion.

Imagine if you had a medicine that was prescribed just for you. Your homeopathic prescription isn’t based on what makes you the same as everyone else but rather what makes you distinct.

If you had such a medicine bottle in your cabinet, you could reach for it when your basement floods, your babysitter is sick, you missed your deadline at work and your back has gone out. In other words, when the stress of life wears you down, your remedy will build you back up.

Seem too good to be true? That’s the power of homeopathy.

Share your experiences please.


Beneath the symptoms of chronic anxiety


Anxiety self-care check-list