I might be the only person lifting 3 lbs weights that feels like a body builder.


I’ve had some hard knocks in my body and building my way back to strength has been quite challenging at time. At the moment, I’m so grateful for everything I can do. Every simple pose and exercise is infused with so much gratitude. One day, when I realized how strong I was feeling doing side squats with my 3 lbs weights I just burst out laughing. I mean how ridiculous, we are talking about 3 lbs! I quickly nipped my judging mind in the bud. From where I’ve been, my current strength is amazing.

I can’t say I’m always so positive. I usually do my exercises alone. While traveling I made the mistake of exercising in the gym. The people around me were huffing and puffing and doing so much more than I was doing. The very same exercises that were previously empowering me felt like nothing at all and suddenly I felt weak and inadequate.

I have a friend who reminds me to read my own words, when I get down in the dumps. I re-read my post, “The pace of your healing is unique to you. Don’t judge by comparison.” Well, I was clearly suffering from judging my comparison. I’m big on practising what I preach. I can’t expect others to listen to me if I don’t do what I say and write. So, I sat myself down for a meditation, quieted the judger and affirmed myself. I brought myself back to my attitude of gratitude.

Here are some tips for staying sane while healing.

Start where you are. If the starting point is very low, that’s okay. We can only be where we are.

Stay in your own lane. Don’t look over at how fast your neighbour is traveling and if you can’t help but notice, bring yourself back to focusing on your own progress.

Cultivate gratitude for how far you have come and quiet the voice that tells you otherwise.

For optimal healing, your body needs you to belief in yourself.


Can you feel what’s under you feelings?


How do you know if that’s your true inner voice?