Feel it, so you can heal it


I believe the way through is through. What does that mean? To me it means that radical healing requires us to feel the emotions that we have repressed. We need to know what’s being held in the tissues so we can free them to function optimally.


At the level of the mind, we compensate and make up all kind of stories to rationalize away how we actually feel. When we are breathing slowly and calmly, when we relax into our being, then we can begin to experience what’s really going on. .

Our defenses are well equipped to protect us from accessing more than we can handle, even though it may not seem that way when we are riding an intense wave of emotion. I love having homeopathic remedies to support me as I’m moving through my process. The right remedy takes the edge off and strengthens my belief that “I can do it”.


(I’ll make one caveat for people with extreme trauma. There are different opinions about avoiding re-traumatization. That’s beyond the scope of this post. )


Stimulate your body, don’t suppress it


Your tissues hold the story of your life