Stimulate your body, don’t suppress it


So many of the medicines that are readily available are suppressive in nature. Analgesics for headaches, anti-inflammatories for joint pain, laxatives for constipation. By their nature, these drugs are opposing the symptoms in your body.


Initially that opposition brings relief. Subsequently, it can alter the homeostatic mechanisms in your body. When you body has symptoms, particularly chronic symptoms, what presents is your body’s best attempt to cope with the imbalance. The body is so intelligent. It will always express imbalances in the least destructive way possible.


One concern with suppressive medicines is that they remove that least destructive layer of expression. If the disturbance isn’t addressed, it may be pushed into a deeper expression in the body, which may be more destructive to you.


Please don’t be alarmed. That’s not my intent. I’m not implying that some casual use of pain-killers is going to harm you. Rather, I’m hoping that you will consider how you are treating ongoing symptoms. Homeopathy can stimulate your body to respond differently to the stressors that you face, thereby reducing your unpleasant symptoms and strengthening you without suppression.


For those of you without access to a homeopath, there are other gentler ways to stimulate the body. Essential oils, for example, are a safe way to stimulate the body and get some symptom relief. Common sense things like eating well, resting, spending time outdoors and taking care are often overlooked. They can go a long way.


Stimulating the body to heal, is not the same as the body doing it by itself


Feel it, so you can heal it