Stimulating the body to heal, is not the same as the body doing it by itself


People often think that treating naturally means letting the body heal itself. There are situations where the body can heal itself and any form of treatment won’t make much difference. Some forms of acute sickness, which are self-limiting by their nature, are good examples.


In other circumstances, when the body is stuck and can’t find an acceptable balance and the patient is suffering, treatment is needed. The challenge comes from our definition of treatment.


There is a misconception that medicine needs to be pharma-based to order to qualify as treatment. .

Homeopathic remedies are definitely a form of treatment. They give the body a push to respond differently, which, if you have ever felt the radical changes that the right remedy can produce, you will believe is a wonderful kind of treatment.


Homeopathic medicine is largely misunderstood because it treats energetically rather than physically which relies more on the science of quantum physics than chemistry. 


The survival mechanism that served us as children inhibits health as adults


Stimulate your body, don’t suppress it