Your tissues hold the story of your life


Sometimes we need to do some inner archaeological digging to make sense of what’s happening in the present. Why is that reaction or sensation so intense when nothing significant seems to be causing it now?


When our present reaction seems disproportionate to the current stimuli it’s often the case that the past is bleeding into the present. We may analyze ourselves and come up with different theories or stories.


However, the mind is full of defenses and coping mechanisms, which is why I find it so useful to go through sensation in the body to access suppressed feelings. .

Everything that happens to us, good and bad, is imprinted energetically in our tissues. It’s as though the entire story of who we are is encoded. The best part is that the body reveals the truth without filtering it. We just need to learn to access it.


It isn’t as hard as it sounds. You can absolutely learn to feel what your body is holding. It’s like a type of meditation. Next time you have pain in your body or intense emotions, sit and breathe, make space to feel what’s emerging from the body. Some of you may need the support of a somatic psychotherapist or holistic practitioner to go deeper into your process but don’t be afraid to start yourself.


Feel it, so you can heal it


Uncover the story