Feeling afraid? So many of us are. Here’s one technique to shift your experience.


What if you look at fear as nothing more than an energy? It’s a damaging energy to dwell in for too long because it creates contraction and inhibits our functioning at every level. Given the pervasive fear that’s all around us, how can we shift out of the propensity to emotionally pray for exactly what we don’t want to happen?

Think of fear as a program that runs through your mind. To change your experience, you need to change your programming. In a relaxed state of mind, ideally in meditation, let yourself feel the fear and breathe through it, as much as you can. Notice the thoughts that come up as you feel your fear. Then shift your awareness and focus on the best-case scenario you can imagine. Let yourself see this best-case scenario and feel the emotion that it will bring you.

Focus on your best-case scenario for a few minutes and let the elevated emotion move through your being. Then let go and just allow things to settle. I tried this meditation last week and was quite surprised by what I was really scared of. I was even more surprised to see the shift in my family after I practiced imagining the best-case scenario, which was the opposite for what I feared.

I know these practices can feel overwhelming. I’m sharing them for those of you who want/need/feel capable of trying new things to help yourself. If simply breathing feels like a lot these days, please start there. We need to meet ourselves with compassion, wherever we are.


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