I may be a hermit after all


It's possible that I may just be a hermit, like my kids have called me for years. I don't like the societal circumstances that are causing me to stay home but that actual staying home part isn't that hard for me.

I've been working at home for years, granted without three kids around all the time! The constant commotion is hard. I really miss silence.

My early morning meditation, before everyone wakes up, is one of the highlights of my day. That's my time to just be with myself and orient into the way of being I want to live in.

I can't say that I retain my peace and calm all day but when I'm really frustrated by the endless mess that nobody cleans or even seems to notice, I go outside and talk to the trees. Try it sometime. You may be surprised by what you hear.

I hope you'll take small moments to laugh, to release and to just be as you are.


Tools for radical healing


Feeling afraid? So many of us are. Here’s one technique to shift your experience.