Tools for radical healing


I keep writing about tools for radical healing, even though I know many people have no idea what I’m talking about. I’m driven to convey what I’ve learned because I know what hopelessness feels like.

I know what it’s like to have pain that won’t go away, for which there is no obvious treatment or relief. What an untenable situation to be in pain and have no way out. Too many people are living this way, either in emotional or physical pain or both.

I’ve emerged from a deep pit, more than once in my life, and I’ve seen many others unwind complex syndromes. I have unwavering faith that wholeness lives within each of us. If you’re hurting and don’t yet believe me, that’s okay. It takes time and mentorship to cultivate this faith. 

Let’s move beyond the theory of wholeness into some practical ways to get started. Like any big endeavour, we must begin with a first step.

Self-acceptance is the most fruitful way to begin your healing. If you want to get out of a rut, the first step is breathing and accepting the reality of where you are right now. Notice your self-judgments, “I can’t believe I’m 52 and my life has come to this!” Whatever your life has come to, that’s how it is. Meet yourself there with compassion.

Cultivate trust in yourself by reframing your judging thoughts with affirmations such as, “I did the best I could in each moment”, “I trust myself to make good choices”. Notice when you falter and don’t make healing choices and replace your self-judgments with nurturing thoughts such as, “Okay, it’s harder than I thought to stop eating the foods I crave when I’m sad. It’s okay, I’ll hold more space for being sad and try again to make better food choices”.

Let your healthy adult-self soothe and nourish the parts of you that are hurting. Your body-mind knows how to heal. The challenge we all face is getting out of our own way.


#illness #painmanagment #chronicillnesswarrior #anxietywarrior #itsokaynottobeokay #invisibledisease #chronicpainwarrior #chronicallyill #butyoudontlooksick #sicklife #raiseawareness #chronicillnessawareness #healingjourney #emotionalhealing #takeresponsibility #youcanhealyourlife #selfhealing #healyourself #migraine #migrainerelief #innerwork #presenceheals  #believeinyourself #selfcare #personalgrowth #lifetransformation

#meditation #traumahealing


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