Reached a limit in your healing?


If you’re reaching limits in how much your current therapies are helping you, consider some training in the psychology of healing. Most of us need a mental construct to understand how we arrived in our current situation or level of health and how we can move forward.

Most people that come to me are swimming in multiple stories about their health. Everyone needs to believe in something to explain their suffering, but the mind’s stories are rarely true or supportive of healing.

If you want to step out of your conditioning and the matrix of symptoms that grips you, learn a new framework. The current model of health is based on the belief that disease is an external force or set of conditions that happen to you. People identify with the diagnosis given to them and walk around saying, “I have migraines, depression, anxiety, cancer”, or whatever ails them.

To heal, we need to change our beliefs about what causes dis-ease. Assuming you’re not working in a coal mine and have attended to the basics of healthy living, there’s a lever that has more impact than anything external.

Your mind is the powerful lever that affects every aspect of your biochemistry. When you learn to change your thoughts, you train the body into a new experience. We train the mind through meditation but without some understanding of the psychology of dis-ease and healing, you may falter. We’re so mind-centric that we need to employ the mind by giving it the job of understanding where we are in our healing and how we’re going somewhere else.

I’ve spent years studying the psychology of healing and have distilled this knowledge into bite sized modules that anyone can understand. This learning is part of the Life Transformation Intensive.



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