Being as we are is so hard for most of us, that we have to practice allowing, marking space for what is, and accepting ourselves every day.

Accepting ourselves with all our current limitations, and simply being as we are is challenging for most people. Most of us judge and deny parts of ourselves. People who are working at healing can actually be the worst culprits. The quest for healing and self-improvement can easily become veiled perfectionism.

How can we find ways to accept ourselves wherever we are in our lives right now? Acceptance begins with each moment. If we breathe and allow ourselves to be as we are right now, that feeling will grow.

You may not know how to do it. You may be ambushed by all kinds of self-judgment. That’s okay. Just start small and practice. Being kind to yourself and allowing yourself to be as you are may not be something you can embody overnight.

Like any new skill, the more you practice, the more engrained it will become. Spend a few minutes every day just breathing and allowing whatever you feel to be as it is. These minutes are the time to put down all the theories you’re working on to make yourself better. You can go back to those at any time but for just a few minutes, make space and allow yourself to be as you are.

You may be surprised by how challenging it can be. Make the time window smaller until you can do it with ease. Can you give yourself 15 seconds to be as you are? Great. Start there and gradually expand your tolerance for being with yourself with loving kindness.


Healing begins by the simple act of being willing to listen within.


Trying To Be Strong