Healing begins by the simple act of being willing to listen within.


I like to remind myself and others that healing begins by the simple act of being willing to listen within for the answers. You don’t have to have the answers to be making progress. The commitment to being still and learning to sense yourself and your pains through the body, from a place of inner listening, that’s enough to set you in the right direction.

Through my years of healing myself, learning to direct my focus within and trust my inner voice has been essential. Inner listening gives me the faith that I am on the right path, even when my physical progress is slower than I wished it would be.

One of my students summed it up well this week. “We spend so much time thinking about our problems but it’s an entirely different experience to learn to sense what’s happening and what’s needed through the body.”

Meditation is the first step. We need to practice stilling our minds in order to access the deeper knowing that can guide our healing. It sounds esoteric but it isn’t. You can learn.

I’ve been watching the women in the Life Transformation Intensive who have now been doing my guided meditation for three weeks. It’s a big commitment. They are sitting 30-40 minutes daily. The shifts are dramatic. Their capacity to be with themselves, to sense within and process their wounds is growing exponentially.

I’m going to make the meditation portion of this program accessible as its own course. Look out of for Meditation as Medicine, your guide to using meditation to heal emotional wounds and chart your course healing your chronic symptoms.


The way out of pain can be found deep within it


Being as we are is so hard for most of us, that we have to practice allowing, marking space for what is, and accepting ourselves every day.