The way out of pain can be found deep within it

It’s possible to move through suppressed pain with authenticity and grace. 

The way out of pain is through it, but not by rehashing and reliving the story of what happened or by endlessly dwelling in a sea of difficult emotions.

How can we be present to the emotions and trauma that are stuck in the body without spinning into a bottomless pit of sadness, shame or anger?

We need to meet our wounded selves with our present-day strength. When we can bear witness to the pain we endured from the vantage point of our healthy adult, we have the opportunity to care for ourselves the way we would have needed at the time. 

Wounded selves are lost and needy which can be exhausting. Instead of relying solely on your adult selves to do the healing, try incorporating a spiritual component to the work. When we learn to call on the support of the earth below and any kind of higher power above and around us, it increases our resources and capacity to love ourselves back to wholeness.

Next time you are feeling triggered, take 15-20 minutes to breathe and drop your current story. Ask to be guided and held as you move through your process. Scan your body for any tension or places that feel constricted. By being present within the subtleties of your body’s tension, memories and emotions naturally arise. Stay present, allow yourself to have your experience. Meet yourself with compassion.

If you are dealing with mental illness, seek advice from your practitioner before beginning. If you try working with yourself in this way and have questions, please reach out to me.


I've never met a chronic physical symptoms that doesn't have a related emotional component


Healing begins by the simple act of being willing to listen within.