Welcome to the Blog
I hope the posts and videos on this blog stimulate you to think differently about your health. I'm sharing from the perspective of my training as a homeopath and my experience practicing meditation and somatic healing for over twenty years.
There are hundreds of posts, some from as far back as 2012. I invite you to search for whatever interests you and contact me if you have questions about anything I've written.
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There’s no separation between the body and the mind
Beyond my healing education, life has shown me that the there's no separation between the body and mind.
Being as we are is so hard for most of us, that we have to practice allowing, marking space for what is, and accepting ourselves every day.
Accepting ourselves with all our current limitations, and simply being as we are is challenging for most people.
Trying To Be Strong
Many people with health struggles try and be strong for their kids, for their spouses, or for whoever they perceive needs them.