There’s no separation between the body and the mind


Beyond my healing education, life has shown me that the there's no separation between the body and mind. In my worldview, it's beyond the fact that the mind and body are connected, they're actually just one entity. Anything in the mind can affect the body and vice versa. There's no line that separates the mind from the body. 

There are no divisions based on systems of medicine. The fact that we have many different kind of 'ologists' from psychologists to rheumatologists is a man-made distinction. 

Everything can affect everything. If you hold stress from tension in your job, it can show up in any part of your body that is weak. You don't have to injure your back or have weak abdominals to have back pain. 

If you show up with back pain and you have weak abdominal muscles, you’ll be sent for physiotherapy even if the source of your pain is fear about money. Go ahead and strengthen your abs, it never hurts but when the back pain doesn’t resolve, you need to look at your whole life. 

What are you holding that’s beyond your capacity? When you focus there, you’ll be guided to the changes you need to make that will have the biggest impact.

How has the mind-body connection shown up in your life?



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