When life stress is intense focus on increasing your resilience


There are many ways to improve your resilience ranging from eating right, exercising regularly, keeping good sleep habits, meditating etc. When all the common sense solutions aren’t enough and you are having trouble managing, consider homeopathy. Sometimes whatever it is you are dealing with isn’t changeable immediately and you will need extra support. The right homeopathic remedy will increase your capacity to cope by optimizing how you metabolize stress.

So if you are a teenager in exam week or an adult who can’t change an external situation right away, consider homeopathic care. Even exciting changes like moving into the new house you just bought house may be inherently stressful.

Not everyone in a given situation, though, reacts in the same way, and often people assume homeopathy wouldn’t help because the situation is unchangeable. But homeopathy looks at the specific reaction of how each person’s body/mind calibrates to the external load. We try to increase the inner resources of an individual by stimulating the body to respond differently to the situation.

Will it be a perfect response? Likely not, if the situation is inherently stressful. But what we can do is use homeopathy to treat in a constitutional way, which means finding a remedy that supports the entire person in their life at this moment in time. In order to find the right homeopathic remedy, we need to understand how a person metabolizes stress, what their appetite is like, their sleep, sweat, temperament, digestion and so on. With these details in hand, your homeopath can identify a remedy that is specific to you and is designed to give you more resources to cope with and handle a situation that cannot otherwise be changed.

It’s like having a personalize medicine that’s chosen specifically for you in your life circumstance. The degree of support it can provide often shocks people.


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