Tips for healing from chronic exhaustion


Profound, deep exhaustion accompanies many chronic diseases and is a disease in and of itself. It produces so much suffering. When the nervous system becomes taxed to the point that it's fried, the parasympathetic nervous system can no longer restore itself. In this state, sleep is no longer restful. People wake up multiple times a night, and they feel as tired or more tired in the morning as when they went to bed. At this point, all of the body systems start to malfunction because basic rest and restoration isn't happening.

There are a many holistic ways to treating chronic exhaustion. Choose what’s best for your budget, access to care and time.

The most effective way I know to jumpstart a system that is chronically fatigued is IV vitamin therapy. It's offered by naturopaths. It's effective at giving the system a huge nutritional reboot, so that it's able to restore itself. A course of regular weekly IVs can, with other lifestyle changes, can create a major lift. It isn't accessible to everyone, though, because it's quite expensive.

Constitutional homeopathic care is so strengthening but given its inaccessibility, you may consider herbal support for adrenal fatigue. The heavy hitters are ashwagandha, Siberian ginseng, Rhodiola, and licorice root extract, always check with your practitioners. Other adrenal supports include vitamin C, B complex, and higher doses of magnesium, and all are very good for nervous system rebuilding. Cleaning up your diet should go without saying: keep the focus on whole, simple foods, so your digestive system doesn’t get overtaxed.

Exploring some of the above will start your journey toward being less tired. There are other ways of getting the rest you need, but we’ll explore those in the next post. .

What have you found most effective for easing your fatigue?


For chronic exhaustion, mini deep rests are key


Healing happens in slow time