For chronic exhaustion, mini deep rests are key


In the last post, I talked about some nutritional and herbal ways of addressing chronic exhaustion. In addition to those, you’ll want to plan for rest during the day. If you're not getting restorative sleep at night, you need to prioritize rest at other times. My favourite ways to do this include restorative yoga or yoga nidra, the latter of which is like yoga sleep. It's not actually sleep; rather, it's a deep relaxation. You can also just casually lie on the ground, on the carpet, with an eye pillow on your eyes and pillows under your knees, and take 10 or 15 minutes to rest. Ideally you want to be on a firmer surface than a bed. If you're really tired, it could be twice a day to completely still. Put earplugs in and let your nervous system relax.

If you’re able, you could take this deep resting a step further and try a flotation tank. There, you’ll experience total sensory deprivation and get a huge influx of magnesium from the saltwater, which is incredibly restful for the nervous system.

Take time off your technology, particularly in the evening. Screen-time and wi-fi are both harmful to the nervous system. Turn your wi-fi off at night when you're sleeping, which will mean less stimulation. Even if there's wi-fi around you, your own wi-fi is the strongest. Be gentle and patient with yourself through the process of rebuilding. Know that if you are very tired, it's like being in a deep hole and you have to slowly increase your capacity. Even so, your body has the intrinsic capacity to restore itself. You are hardwired to heal. Do you believe it?


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