Healing happens in slow time


Most people want to heal as quickly as possible. We want to be free of the symptoms that are bothering us, it’s only natural. For chronic ailments, slow and gradual shifts are most realistic. We need time to unwind and guide our bodies back to balance.

If there’s been an imbalance in the body or mind for a long time, there will also be compensations that need to be healed. We move through one layer and then the next. There’s a certain degree of discomfort as we challenge our compensations and guide the body-mind to something new.

We can try and push through faster but that’s not the best plan. We need integration time. We also need time for rest and reflection.

It’s hard to truly rest unless we're unplugged. Watching Netflix does not count as resting in my estimation, as much as it can be a good distraction from life. We need to schedule time to rest. If we don't, it's pretty easy for days to pass when we don't have any time when we're not on our phones, computers, or watching any kind of screen.

This kind of analog downtime is essential. If you can combine it with time in nature, that can be even more potent to help provide an antidote to digitized living and the speed of our lives.

Healing happens in slow time. The more you can make time each day to connect to slow time, the easier it’ll be to move forward in your healing. .

How are you feeling about the pace of your healing? Do you agree that healings happens in slow time?


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